31 March 2009

Gratituesday: List-o-rama

It's a tired grateful day, I think he accepts shorthand ...

... sunshine! finally!
... a recovering dad who is (fingers crossed) coming home tomorrow.
... great nurses that kept him taken care of with a smile, despite the icky hospital politics they're dealing with.
... a family ready to jump up and pitch in during his stay with us.
... love.
... that smile.
... a G-d that knows exactly the right things for me to be doing at the right moment, no matter if I know it then or not.
... a school semester that's almost over (and a 100% paper this week to boot!).
... no class on Thursday.
... hot pink, highly worn, slightly tattered Crocs.
... the coolest mom in the world.
... a warm (ok, warm-ish) house to come home to.
... hilarious friends.
... the freedom of time, busy, but not limited by a 9-5.
... a freezer full of potential quick fix healthy goodness ... seriously, a lifesaver.
... Barb (my fondly adored rhubarb plant) is coming back!
... green leaves, soon to be tulips and daffodils.
... and really, sunshine ... oh, how I have missed sunshine.

What are you grateful for today?


  1. Love the List.
    My First time to visit your lovely little blog. I will be back.
    God Bless,

  2. I hope that your dad is coming home today as planned. Your list of blessings is wonderful! I hope that you are able to rest and recharge!

